Let us stand together Each man and woman forever We shall not stand for this hate We shall not contemplate The hate black people receive in this world Shall not be twirled Into the lives of so many young black …

Parley: Literary & Visual Arts – SITREP: Military Literary & Visual Arts – PPSC News: Link to The Paper
Let us stand together Each man and woman forever We shall not stand for this hate We shall not contemplate The hate black people receive in this world Shall not be twirled Into the lives of so many young black …
Virtually join Parley Publishing and the English Department on Friday, October 30 from 8 to 9 p.m. to celebrate the arts and talents of our PPCC community! Learn a new appetizer recipe from our Culinary Arts program, hear poetry and …
Parley 2020 has arrived! Pick up your copies in the English Department W119 at Rampart and F200 at Centennial.
Even amidst the craziness of our current world, here’s some encouraging news for you writers & artists. The Parley staff, publisher, and myself have decided to extend the deadline for submissions. That means, if you missed the March 15th submission deadline for …
by Jordan Williams | Staff Writer PPCC students and alumni alike gathered to listen to an up-and-coming writer, Rye Curtis, read an excerpt from his debut novel Kingdomtide in the Gallery of the Downtown PPCC Campus on Wednesday, February 19. …
About: Parley is Pikes Peak Community College’s literary and arts journal. We feature academic and creative works from the PPCC student body and the Colorado Springs and Denver communities, publishing online and in-print. We are still accepting submissions to be …