Dear Dr. K. Ron-Li Liaw, Director of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Children’s Hospital Colorado, As an Emergency Medical Technician, I noticed an issue in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I work for Ambulnz, an ambulance transport company in Colorado Springs, and …
Human Trafficking Victims: Immigrants’ Vulnerability and Continual Exploitation by Kaylie Pippin
In Colorado, human trafficking has been on the rise, and specifically, in sexual exploitation. Sex trafficking is predominantly seen in cities and is not unusual to have high rates (E. Reid, personal communication, May 4, 2022). High rates of sexual …
In Censure of Censorship: A Brief History of Power and Censorship in Public Libraries by Katherine Atherton
Before the start of the 2019 school year, Reverend Dan Reehil of the St. Edward Catholic School in Nashville quietly decided to remove some books from circulation at his school’s library, the most prominent of which is the Harry Potter …