Our beautiful bull-faced beast,
Thundering masterpiece
Of Semele and sky god.
The twice-born god came to us,
Escaped Hera’s havoc
To wander the world with us.
Intoxicated by his sight,
We take to hills.
We Are the Raving Ones
Dancing by torchlight
In mountains at midnight.
In our ivy crowns
We bow down to the ground.
Losing our minds
To the god of the vine.
We hum his hymn,
Holy incantations
Of ritual and Him.
Fawn skin and tympanum,
We Are the Raving Ones.
We revel and worship
Our half-man bull-horned thunderer
In this lush orgia,
An occult feast
Of ecstasy and chthonian chaos.
An out-of-body frenzy
In wilderness.
Intoxicated by his sight,
We take to hills.
We Are the Raving Ones
Dancing by torchlight
In mountains at midnight.
In our ivy crowns
We bow down to the ground.
Losing our minds
To the God of the Vine.
We hum his hymn,
Holy incantations
Of ritual and Him.
Fawn skin and tympanum,
We Are the Raving Ones.
And we
Can’t resist his gifts.
We are
Driven out of wits.
We are
Possessed by the God.
And we rejoice.