
Wisdom by Elizabeth Ward

Of every lesson I last to learn,
And all the tales I live to tell,
I hope I share some wisdom well-earned,
To help one soul who in common fell.
To help them know that it’s hard to see,
Unlikely to know and impossible to change,
What’s written in fate and meant to be;
That truth doesn’t wane from age to age
And that it’s okay to be afraid.
A priceless law I once happened upon,
In every season: cold, sun, snow,
It is never a sin to be alone,
And a blessing to learn to let go.
I was told these things, but I didn’t believe,
Until I came to see for myself.
See, if wisdom shared is not wisdom taken,
It’s a hollow and empty shell. 
My last word of advice would be for the young:
To listen, to watch and to seek.
They all pay so much for what fades in a day,
While what matters is often for free:
Right before their eyes and overlooked,
What all were offered, but nobody took.
Before I meet with death, on the day that I will,
A day that’s been set long before I arrive,
I hope I live a life that shows more than tells:
I hope I’ll have lived knowing one day I’d die.

Author Biography

Elizabeth (Lizzy) Ward is a theatre major at PPCC, as well as an aspiring author. In her free time, she enjoys writing poetry, short stories, and is currently working on two young adult novels. Lizzy is proud to have her first published piece, “Wisdom,” appear in Parley.